Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Tinnos Blufin: PDA y Reproductor Multimedia con 30GB de disco y Windows CE 5.0

Del Fabricante Coreano Tinnos nos llega el Blufin, un PDA (o reproductor multimedia, dependiendo de como quieras verlo) basado en Windows CE con un disco duro de 30GB, 128MB de RAM, cámara de 2 megapíxeles, pantalla LCD de 4.3 pulgadas, ranuras USB y SD (ambas con compatibilidad para conectar periféricos con GPS o WiFi) y un procesador AMD Au1200. Estará disponible en Japón este Junio por alrededor de US$600.

The Million Dollar Cell Phone

Put simply, Gold Vish’s “Le Million De Lu Nuit” is the world’s most expensive cell phone — encrusted with 120 carats worth of VVS-1 grade diamonds. It features a camera with 8x digital zoom, 2GB of memory, Bluetooth, MP3 player, USB connectivity, EDGE, and an FM tuner. There’s only one available in the world, designed by Emmanuel Gueit.

Palm makes the Treo 700p Official

Palm OS and open source lovers are gonna digg this….

Palm has finally refreshed their Palm side of the Treo smartphone lineup with the expected announcement of the Treo 700p smartphone. With the 700p, Palm has released a phone which includes hardware and software upgrades centered on usability, connectivity, multimedia, and compatibility features. This is the first Palm OS based Treo CDMA based smartphone to offer EvDO speeds. It lets you use the device as a modem (via USB or Bluetooth) to connect your laptop to the Internet at speeds of up to 1.8 Mbps. Remember, the p in Treo 700p means Palm.

Here are some of the major new features:

* First Treo smartphone with EVDO support
* First Treo smartphone with built in dial up networking capabilities
* 1.3 megapixel digital camera and built in video camcorder
* Includes pocket tunes application
* 128MB of memory - 60 MB of which is user memory
* SD card support
* New voice memo application
* Enhanced email and messaging support including better support for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
* Full PDF support
* Uses Palm OS Version 5.4.9

AMD entra en escena con nuevos procesadores

Es increible la cantidad de mercado que ha podido perder AMD por no tener un competidor al Core Duo de Intel, ahora parece que despiertan del letargo y publican una nota de prensa anunciando nuevos procesadores. Harán su aparición en el 2007 por lo que aun le queda un buen trecho a Intel con los Core Duo 2 para demostrar lo que valen. Estos son los nuevos procesadores y precios estimados (recalco “estimados”):

Energy Efficient Desktop Processors++

  • AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ ($671)
  • AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ ($601)
  • AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ ($514)
  • AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ ($417)
  • AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ ($353)
  • AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ ($323)

Energy Efficient Small Form Factor Desktop Processors+++

  • AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ ($364)
  • AMD Athlon 64 3500+ ($231)
  • AMD Sempron 3400+ ($145)
  • AMD Sempron 3200+ ($119)
  • AMD Sempron 3000+ ($101)

Sony hace oficial su UMPC Vaio UX

Para nosotros sería un UMPC, pero para Sony es un PC portátil, muy portátil. El dispositivo incorpora un teclado deslizante, procesador Core Solo y funciona con Windows XP Professional. Tal y como ya apuntaban los rumores de la semana pasada, el equipo también incluye Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WWAN y un lector de huellas dactilares.

¿Os parece poco? No sufrais, el Sony Vaio UX incorpora dos cámaras digitales, una frontal para videoconferencias, y una posterior para realizar fotografías que luego podremos visualizar en un monitor gracias a la conexión VGA.

La pantalla es de 4,5 pulgadas, con una resolución máxima de 800×600 píxeles.

A parte de la conexión antes mencionada, también incluye otra AV, puerto Ethernet, IEEE-1394 y dos USB 2.0

Sony tiene previsto lanzarla al mercado durante el mes de junio en los EE.UU y se estima un precio de 1.800$.

Creative Zen Vision:M SD

Noticia noticiosa para los anti-iPod, Creative parece que va a pasar su reproductor Creative Zen Vision:M a memoria Flash para recortar gastos (el kilo de discos duros esta por las nubes parece). Este “nuevo” reproductor se pondrá a la venta vía Amazon Japón a un precio inferior a $300 (actual) en los colores de negro y blanco con una capacidad de 30 Gb. Por ahora solo para Japón, pero evidentemente dentro de poco para América y Europa.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

iRiver Clix

Aun que viene a ser el sucesor del iRiver U10 me sigue pareciendo el mejor reproductor de iRiver en este momento. El nuevo iRiver Clix se acaba de anunciar oficialmente con unas características muy apetitosas:
  • Pantalla de 2,2 pulgadas.
  • 2 Gb. de memoria
  • Reproduce MP3, WMA, OGG, MPEG4
  • Radio FM integrada
  • Ejecuta juegos en Macromedia Flash
  • Visor de textos
  • Batería de 25 horas
  • Precio: alrededor de los $200

Sony Officially Unveils VGN-UX50

Sony has officially unveiled their VGN-UX50 Ultra Mobile PC. It features an Intel Core Solo U1300 (1.06-GHz) or U1400 (1.2-GHz) processor, 20GB/30GB hard drive, a 4.5-inch WSVGA touch-screen, and a 1.3-megapixel Motion-Eye camera. External interfaces include 802.11 a/b/g WLAN, CF/MS memory card reader, Bluetooth 2.0+ EDR, and a USB port. Pricing and availability have not yet been announced.

Samsung SCH-W200

The SCH-W200 is Samsung’s first HSDPA-enabled phone for Korea — which allows for data transmission speeds of up to 1.8Mbps. It features a 2.0-megapixel camera, 2.1-inch TFT display, microSD memory card slot, S-DMB tuner, video recorder (H.264/H.263/MPEG), USB connectivity, and TV-out. It measures a slim 99 x 48 x 22.8mm and weighs 115g. No word yet on pricing and availability.

Final Wii Specs

Set for release in Q4 2006, the Nintendo Wii will include four controller ports, a slot-loading disc drive, 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi, 512MB of Flash memory, two USB 2.0 ports, SD card slot for memory expansion, PowerPC CPU (Broadway), ATI GPU (Hollywood), and Gamecube disc compatibility. The Virtual Console lets players download classic games from a selection of SNES, NES, N64, TurboGrafx 16, and Gensis titles. The WiiMote has a built-in speaker, rumble capabilities, expansion bay (Zapper, etc.), d-pad, and a thumb stick. Speculated price range is currently $149 - $299.

Apple Releases New MacBook

Apple has just released their all-new Macbook, powered by Intel. With a starting price of $1099, it features an Intel Core Duo 1.83-GHz or 2.0-GHz CPU, 512MB of DDR 2 memory, 60GB or 80GB SATA HDD, built-in stereo speakers, iSight camera, 13.3-inch widescreen display, and a slot-loading Super/Combo drive. External interfaces include a Mini-DVI port, Bluetooth 2.0+ EDR, Gigabit Ethernet, two USB 2.0 ports, and a FireWire port.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Como detectar un email falso

Qué es un e-mail falso?
A. Los e-mails falsos, también conocidos como "spoof e-mails", llegan a los usuarios sin ser solicitados y piden información personal, como el número de tarjeta de crédito, el documento o claves de seguridad, o bien tratan de pasar información errónea a quienes los reciben.
B. Estos mensajes aparentan ser enviados por reconocidas empresas y, para inspirar confianza en los usuarios, utilizan los mismos tipos de gráficos y diseños.
C. Usualmente, contienen links que llevan a sitios web falsos, que imitan el aspecto de los verdaderos, donde se solicita información personal.

Cómo identifico un e-mail falso?
Consejos para reconocer un e-mail falso en todas tus operaciones en Internet:
A. Dirección del remitente
Prestá especial atención a la dirección que aparece cómo remitente.
Recordá que la dirección de un e-mail falso puede parecer legítima.
B. Saludo
Tené en cuenta que muchos e-mails falsos comienzan con saludos generales como "Atención: Usuario de “nombre de la empresa”". En general, los e-mails de empresas serias siempre son personalizados.
C. Urgencia y amenaza sobre tu cuenta
Estos mensajes falsos suelen comunicar que la empresa en nombre de la cual envían el mail tiene la necesidad urgente de actualizar y ampliar tus datos personales.
La mayoría de estos e-mails falsos amenazan con la discontinuidad inmediata del servicio o con la inhabilitación de las cuentas.
Recordá que las empresas serias nunca solicitan datos por e-mail.
D. Pedido de información personal.
Debés estar atento cuando te llega un e-mail que te solicita información personal, como tu nombre de usuario y clave, número de tarjeta de crédito o cuenta de banco, mediante links o formularios incluidos en el cuerpo del e-mail.
Recordá que en general ningún e-mail de empresas serias requieren que el usuario ingrese su clave o nombre de usuario.
E. Links en el e-mail.
En la mayoría de los casos incluyen links con apariencia legítima pero que dirigen a sitios falsos.
Revisá la URL del sitio al que te lleva el link del e-mail, asegurate de que esta sea de la empresa a la que se refieren.
Para estar seguro que ingresaste a un sitio legítimo, comprobá que la URL que aparece la barra de direcciones sea igual a la utilizás habitualmente.

Qué hago cuando recibo un e-mail falso?
Recomendaciones para saber cómo actuar frente a un e-mail falso:
Evitá responder los e-mails que no te generen confianza.
Abrí una nueva ventana para ingresar a la página de la empresa que supuestamente te envió el mail y realizá desde allí la acción requerida por un e-mail que no sea confiable.
Observá la barra de direcciones para saber si te encontrás en un sitio auténtico.
Para reportar un e-mail falso:
Contactate con el sitio, avisales lo ocurrido para que te den las recomendaciones necesarias (cada caso es diferente y se trata por separado).

Cómo proteger tus cuentas y registraciones en Internet.
A. Eligí una buena Clave, fácil de recordar pero difícil de adivinar.
B. Para mantener tu cuenta segura y confidencial, seguí estas recomendaciones:
Mantené tu clave en absoluta confidencialidad, evitá compartirla o revelarla a otra persona.
Utilizá una clave original que sea diferente a la de otros sitios en los que estés registrado.
Cambiá tu contraseña al menos cada 6 meses.
Modificá tu clave si recibís un e-mail con tu nombre de usuario y tu clave sin haberlo solicitado.
C. Controlá la actividad de tu cuenta periódicamente.
Revisá si tus datos de contacto son los correctos.
Revisá tu cuenta frecuentemente para detectar operaciones no autorizadas.
D. Siempre cerrá tu sesión al retirarte de la computadora.
Finalizá correctamente tu sesión, recordá que alguien puede utilizar tu cuenta para operar dentro de los diferentes sitios.
Tomá la precaución de cerrar de tu sesión, especialmente si te conectás desde un Cibercafe o en un equipo compartido.

PlayStation 3 Development Unit

An IGN spy managed to snap pictures of a PlayStation 3 development unit — which sports multiple USB ports, dip-switches, and memory card slots.

Announcing Intel Core 2 Duo

Intel has just passed us word about a new branding decision for the upcoming second generation Core processors. Intel's first generation desktop Core processor, Conroe, will carry the moniker Core 2 Duo, suplementing the 65nm Netburst Presler micro-architecture. Notebook processors, earlier dubbed Merom, will also carry the Core 2 Duo moniker even though the processors are very different than the desktop Core 2 Duo chips. The highest end desktop processors, previously named Extreme Edition, will be labeled as Core 2 Extreme opposed to the mainstream Core 2 Duo.

Core 2 Extreme will actually become the first Conroe processor to launch, followed immediately by Core 2 Duo E6700 -- as outlined by Intel's most recent desktop roadmap. Merom and Conroe are both based on 65nm process designs with shared L2 cache and aggressive power management. Conroe and Merom will both be backwards compatible with recently manufactured desktop and mobile motherboards.

Intel's most recent forward outlook confirms Conroe will ship in July, 2006 followed shortly by Merom in August 2006. This was hinted by Intel CEO Paul Otellini earlier this week during the company's quarterly report. Intel's press release about the new branding claims:

Consumers and businesses will also be able to purchase these processors as part of Intel’s market-focused platforms -- a collection of Intel hardware and software technology innovation that is designed and tested together and tailored to specific computing needs. Intel offers wireless computing, in-home entertainment or business productivity platforms through the company’s Intel Centrino Duo mobile technology, Intel Viiv technology and Intel vPro.

Intel is expected to publicly demonstrate Core 2 Duo at Computex 2006 in Taipei, Taiwan on June 6th, 2006. AMD is expected to launch its next generation DDR2 desktop component on May 23, 2006.

Microsoft Opens up its Wallet to Battle Google

Microsoft is doing everything it can to try and stop the rising success of Google -- the current search engine leader. Although many of Microsoft's latest tactics have not worked very well, the company is going to try something that always seems to help one way or another: spend more money. Most importantly, the company plans on dumping more money into MSN and other businesses while trying to keep Google in check. Yahoo, Microsoft and Google have been battling for quite some time, but Google is currently the most dominant. According to Bloomberg news:

"It's important for you to understand our deep commitment," Mr. Ballmer said. "Only two to three companies can really deliver the infrastructure that's required to keep pace with consumer demand and advertisers' needs."

Investors were not ready when Microsoft publicly announced that it would sacrifice billions of dollars in profits to funnel money into R&D of new business areas. It will be interesting to see if Microsoft's gamble is worth it in the long run. In related news, all of the above three companies are entering into agreements with cellular service providers in anticipation of the big Internet-over-cell phone market boon.

Arte y memorias Flash

El nivel de personalización puede llegar a límites insospechables cuando la tecnología se pone de por medio.

La empresa japonesa Ever Green personaliza las tarjetas de memoria Flash del tipo SD, Mini SD y CF con tu obra de arte o imagen preferida. Es una buena forma de darle algo de color a la siempre fria y sobria tecnología.

Samsung unviels "world's thinnest" 6.9mm phone

Always one for a decent "world's ____" tag line for their product releases, Samsung is naming their new SGH-X820 Ultra Slim Phone the "world's thinnest" at a mere 6.9mm (0.27-inches) thick, the same thickness as the iPod nano. Not content to be merely skinny, the candybar phone also features a 2 megapixel camera, MP3 playback, Bluetooth connectivity and TV out. There is a minor hump near the top of the phone off the back that might sully your results when using this thing to pick door locks, but otherwise it's hard to imagine how it can get much thinner than this and still have a claim to 3D space. The phone should be out in Europe and Russia this week, with China to follow in June, no word on price.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Mechero en tu PC

Lo reconocemos, hay días en los que nos aparece nuestro lado friki, no podemos evitarlo. No es que queramos hacer apología del fumar, y menos en los tiempos que corren, donde fumar ya es casi un pecado, pero si estás sólo en tu habitación o despacho, te apetece un cigarrito y te has quedado sin mechero, este es el gadget que necesitas.

Además, puedes utilizarlo para otros menesteres, como por ejemplo, cargar el móvil o conectar tu reproductor MP3. Vale 14,99$ y lo puedes comprar aquí.

The Combimouse

We were about to write this off as a harmless gimmick, and a great gift to slow down a couple FPS rivals of ours, but after staring mesmerized at the sheer craziness of it all, we're starting to think these Combimouse peeps are on to something. Their concept is quite simple: reduce the repetitive and arduous task of moving your hand from keyboard to mouse and back again a few thousand times a day. They accomplish that by splitting the keyboard and making the right half into a full fledged mouse. Your merely switch up your grip and the mouse function automatically springs into action. You might look a bit dorky in the act, and it surely won't work for everybody, but it seems to us that a spreadsheet pusher could quickly get used to the setup and learn to rock it. The creators of the Combimouse have recently completed their final prototype and are on the lookout for a manufacturer. We'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Google Launches Free 3D Modeling Software

Google has released yet another beta software package: SketchUp. SketchUp is an application that allows you to create your own 3D objects, color and texture your designs, use real-time shadowing effects and grab from a large library of pre-configured objects to add to your design. And as is always the case with most of Google's software, it is completely free. There is also a commercial version called SketchUp Pro 5 which has a host of additional features, but you may want to take a stab at the free version first to see if it's suitable for your needs. From Google:

Google SketchUp (free) is an easy-to-learn 3D modeling program whose few simple tools enable you to create 3D models of houses, sheds, decks, home additions, woodworking projects – even space ships. You can add details, textures and glass to your models, design with dimensional accuracy, and place your finished models in Google Earth, share them with others by posting them to the 3D Warehouse, or print hard copies. Google SketchUp (free) is a great way to discover if 3D modeling is right for you.


Napster Back to the Basics

Napster has come full circle for the third time, and is offering free music. There is one big catch though; you can only listen to a song five times. After the five times you will need to either buy the title or sign up for a monthly subscription to listen to that song. Napster has 2 million tunes in its collection that users will be able to listen to without having to use their credit card or download the Napster software.

This marketing driven new model is similar to its competitor RealNetworks' Rhapsody service which allows its users to sample 25 songs a month. Napster offers a plan for $9.95 a month that offers its users unlimited online listening, or $14.95 for a plan that lets its users transfer songs to certain portable devices that does not include the most popular music player iPod.

All is not beer and Skittles at Napster. The new Napster, relaunched in 200,3 has lost more than $73M USD in venture capital over the last two years, according to equity firm American Technology Research.

Google Upset With Microsoft Over Internet Explorer 7

Search giant Google is upset with Microsoft for using MSN Search as the default search engine for Internet Explorer 7's integrated search bar reports The New York Times. Google is citing that similar behaviors in the 90’s of embedding Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player in to the Windows operating system landed Microsoft in hot water with the DOJ in anti-trust litigation of which subsequently Microsoft was found guilty.

Google fears that by setting MSN Search as the default search engine inside IE 7 that it will take away search volume and ad revenue from Google. It should be noted that other major browsers Firefox and Opera both use Google as their default search engine in their integrated search fields. Google also compensates both Opera and the Mozilla Corporation for searches generated using those fields. In addition Microsoft has made it as easy as 3 clicks to set Google as the default search engine within IE 7.

Pioneer's Blu-ray burner reviewed, comes out looking good

We can complain all we want about the price or the delays or the format war in general, but it all comes down performance for people who are actually going to be picking up Blu-ray burners like Pioneer's BDR-101A, which seems to come out a champ in PC Word's tests at least. Write speeds are at 45 minutes to fill a single 25GB BD-R disc at the 2X max burring speed, and while you could get that much data onto multiple single-layer DVD R discs with an 18x burner, it gives 10X double-layer DVD R burning a run for its money. The actual throughput for the burner clocks in at 67mbps, compared to the theoretical maximum of 72mbps for 2X BD-R. It actually took a bit longer to copy the data back off the disc. While the BDR-101A can manage a bit of DVD burning, at less than optimum speeds, there's no room left for a third laser for CD reading or writing. PC World also found the software package a bit thin, as this product is definitely targeted at professionals who have their own authoring solutions. Luckily, third party support isn't far behind, and an upgrade should be available to purchasers of the BDR-101A in order to author you own discs. The burner will also play Blu-ray movies, whenever they arrive on shelves, but it won't support the forthcoming managed content spec.

Monday, May 01, 2006

TabletKiosk eo UMPC delayed until June-ish

If you were one of those early-adopter types who pre-ordered your TabletKiosk eo V7110 UMPC, then you've probably already received the bad news. After selling-out their "entire initial production" stock (is that 10 or 10,000 units?), TabletKiosk is officially delaying what would have been the first UMPC to market with "most orders fulfilled by the beginning of June." It seems those first eos suffered a problem whereby the system fan was striking the unit's back panel which now must undergo a "slight redesign." We can only assume this affects shipments of the SmartCaddie in Japan and the It's UMPC version we've seen floating about France as well. Alas they won't be the first, but at least TabletKiosk will have the distinction of being the cheapest UMPC on the market come June.

ASUS W5F reviewed

That 12.1-inch ASUS W5F ultra-portable pulled an enthusiastic review over at PC Perspective. They ran a 1.66GHz T2300 Core Duo model packing 512MB of DDR2 RAM and a 5400rpm 100GB disk through the gauntlet of tests and found this "attention magnet" to make all contenders look "bulky and unrefined." They were stoked by their unit's performance and integrated 1.3 megapixel webcam, bundled Bluetooth mouse, and SPDIF output for full-on digital audio. They also noted the laptop's battery life compared to others in the class even though their W5F only eked-out about 3.5 of the 4-hours advertised under a "reasonable office load." The biggest knock came for the single SODIMM slot for RAM upgrades and that "Vista-ready" Intel GMA 950 graphics engine which means you won't be doing any serious fraggin' here. But hey, if that's your gig then you should be looking elsewhere anyway.

Dell's XPS M1210 leaked?

Looks like all you Alienware buyout fear mongers officially need not worry -- for now. According to Notebook Review, the cat's out of the bag and Dell's launching (or is about to launch) their second gaming-centric laptop, but this one's a little easier on the shoulder and presumably also the pocketbook. The XPS M1210 rocks a 12.1-inch widescreen display, Core Duo processor, NVIDIA 7300 or ATI X1300 graphics, dual later DVD burner, Bluetooth 2.0, 802.11a/b/g, 5-in-1 media reader, ExpressCard54 slot, up to 4GB RAM, and an optional webcam. Should be out some time in May, but we'll know for sure when we get the official word from the gang at Dell.

Proyector Inalámbrico WiFi CP120 de Benq

El CP120 de Benq es uno de las nuevos lanzamientos que nos trae este fabricante, particularmente por el detalle de ser súper compacto e inalámbrico. Posee un sistema de corrección trapezoidal automática que corrige el ángulo de inclinación de la imagen proyectada en tiempo real. Tiene una resolución nativa de 1024x768 pixeles, brillo de 1500 ANSI lúmenes, radio de contraste de 2000:1 y una paleta de colores de 16.7 millones de colores. Para la conexión inalámbrica utiliza WiFi 802.11 a/b/g, simplificando la instalación y configuración con portátiles.

Destruye tus discos daados con Disk Killer

Este producto esta especialmente hecho para personas y empresas que desean mantener su información muy confidencial a pesar de que el medio de almacenamiento ya no tenga utilidad. El HD-1 Professional Degausser de Datadev es el primer producto específicamente diseñado para destruir "literalmente" cualquier disco duro dañado para que no pueda volver a ser utilizado y la información que contenga no sea vista por otras personas. Sin embargo debes querer que tu información permanezca bien protegida para comprar un dispositivo como este ya que tiene un valor de US$2299.

Iomega lanza su NAS inalmbrico StorCenter 1TB

Nosotros hemos visto equipos NAS de un terabyte antes. Y hemos visto los inalámbricos también. Pero Iomega podría ser una de las primeras compañías en combinar ambas en una solución simple, con el dispositivo inalámbrico de almacenamiento de red StorCenter 1TB. La caja incluye Ethernet gigabit, dos puertos USB, soporte para redes 802.11g, y cuatro discos duros de 250GB y 7200RPM que pueden ser configurados en RAID 0, RAID 1 o RAID 5. El precio sugerido para este NAS es de unos 899 dólares. Iomega también presentó un NAS de 500GB (solo conexión Ethernet), el StorCenter External Hard Drive, con un precio de US$499.

UMPC Samsung Q1 analizado

Sabemos que las noticias sobre UMPCs (especialmente el Q1) han sido todo menos escasas, pero tenemos que admitir que aunque nos quedamos un poco fríos con la primera generación de estos dispositivos en cuanto a funcionalidad y uso, seguimos estamos interesados en ellos. Y para nuestra sorpresa, la página inglesa Personal Computer World no solo ha analizado el primer Q1, sino que además le ha dado una muy buena nota de 4/5, citando su silencioso ventilador, cuidado diseño y brillante pantalla como lo mejor del miniPC. De hecho, únicamente lo han criticado por su autonomía "estándar" (¿eh? ¿2 horas y media es lo normal ahora?), escasa capacidad de almacenamiento (40 GB) y por supuesto su floja CPU Celeron.

No sabemos si su veredicto convencerá a muchos consumidores británicos para pagar las 799 libras (1.156 euros/1.460 dólares) por las que estará disponible en las tiendas, pero no nos parece muy halagüeño que Samsung haya informado a PCW de tan solo "cientos" de reservas.

'Halo 3' Will Make Appearance at E3 2006

As anticipation continues to build as we get close to E3 2006, which starts nine days from now, a Halo 3 video will be shown during a news briefing on Tuesday, May 9, according to IGN. The video that will be shown is around two minutes long, but it is unknown what kind of content is in the video. Unfortunately for Halo fans, it will most likely be at least a year before the game is released. Halo 3 appears to already be the most anticipated game for the Microsoft Xbox 360 game console. IGN reports:

Diehard Halo fans shouldn't be too surprised. Bungie is notorious for taking its time, and the game is not likely to come out until 2007. Microsoft's most valuable franchise has been out of the limelight since last year's Map Pack, a set of additional multiplayer maps for 2004's Halo 2.

It was reported late last year that the third installment of the Halo series would have a different name, but that has not been confirmed yet.

AMD Single Core Price Cuts for Ides of May

We’ve received a new price forecast for AMD’s single core Athlon 64 and Sempron 64 processors for the month of May. The new price forecast shows price drops among the lower-end and mid-range product ranges. These processors vary from the Sempron 64 2800+ all the way up to the Athlon 64 3500+. Price drops vary from 10-15% on Athlon 64 3200+ and 3500+ models while Sempron 64 receive a 19-25% drop on the upper end 3400+ and 3300+ models. Lower-end Sempron models receive rather modest price drops of around 10-14%.

AMD Desktop Processor Price List
Processor (Retail)
Current May 15, 2006
Athlon 64 3500+ S939
$203 $185
Athlon 64 3200+ S939
Athlon 64 3200+ S754
$154 $135
Sempron 3400+ S754
$118 $95
Sempron 3300+ S754
$108 $91
Sempron 3100+ S754
Sempron 3000+ S754
Sempron 2800+ S754
$73 $65

AMD Desktop Processor Price List
Processor (Tray)
Current May 15, 2006
Athlon 64 3500+ S939
$208 $189
Athlon 64 3200+ S939
Athlon 64 3200+ S754
$158 $138
Sempron 3400+ S754
$120 $97
Sempron 3300+ S754
$110 $93
Sempron 3100+ S754
Sempron 3000+ S754
Sempron 2800+ S754
$74 $67

There is no word on price forecasts on AMD’s dual core and higher end 4000+ single core processors. If you are interested in the AM2 launch prices, please refer to our previous article containing these price details. AM2 processors are expected to launch the week after the 939/754 price cuts, on May 23, 2006.